
Deniz Araştırmaları ve Teknolojileri Araştırma Grubu:

  1. Avaz G., Kucuksezgin F., Tugrul S., Tan I., Günay A.S., Kuzyaka E. and Ozkan M. (2018) Classification of Sensitive and Less Sensitive Areas along the Aegean Coastal Areas of Turkey. Fresen. Environ. Bull. 27, 9230-9244
  2. Bozdağ, A., Yavuz, F. Günay, A. S., AHP and GIS based land suitability analysis for Cihanbeyli (Turkey) County, May 2016. Environmental Earth Sciences, Environmental Earth Sciences, May 2016, 75:813. doi:10.1007/s12665-016-5558-9.
  3. Telli Karakoc F., A. S. Günay, C. Aydöner, D Ediger, B. Aykan and E. Bașar, 2016. The methods for the selection of places of refuge for ships in distress on the Turkish coasts. The Journal of International Maritime Law. 3,22, ISSN: 1478-8586
  4. Eren, G. and Günay A.S.,Analyzing the Transfer of Immovable Property Rights for Urban Resilience: An Alternative Land Management Model for the Karaburun-Cesme-Seferihisar Peninsula, Journal of Ocean & Coastal Management, 118 (2015) 139 – 157.
  5. Tok, E., Günay A.S.,Turan, A. Ç., A Case Study in Natural Coastline of Enez-Kesan Districts by Using Natural Threshold Analysis, Journal of Ocean & Coastal Management 118 (2015) 129 – 138.
  6.  “Influence of Two Tropical Storms on the Residual Flow in a Subtropical Tidal Inlet. Waterhouse”, A. F., Tutak, B., Valle-Levinson, A., & Sheng, Y. P., (2013). Estuaries and Coasts, 1-17, doi:10.1007/s12237-013-9606-3.
  7. “Exploration of the Anaximander Mountains: Mud Volcanoes, Cold-Seep communities, and Cold Water Corals. In: New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus 2012 field season and summary of Mediterranean exploration”, Raineault, N.A., Ramey-Balci, P.A., Shank, T.M., Bors, E., Duman, M., Ürkmez, D., and Tüzün, S. 2013.  Bell, K.L.C., and Brennan, M.L., eds. Oceanography 26(1), supplement, 64 pp,
  8. “Socio-economic response to water quality: a first experience in science and policy interaction for the İzmit Bay coastal system”, Tolun, L.,   Ergenekon, S.,   Murat Hocaoğlu, S.,   Günay, A.,   Çokacar, T.,   Hüsrevoğlu, Y.,   Polat Beken, S.,   Baban, A.,   Ecology and Society, 2012.
  9. "Effect of recirculation on organic matter removal in a hybrid constructed wetland system", Ayaz, S., Fındık, N., Akca, L., Erdogan, N., Kınacı, C., Water Science and Technology, 63(10), 2360-2366, 2011.
  10. "Treatability of domestic wastewater by anaerobic baffled reactors with different incolums", Gomec, Y., Horasan, B., Gunes, E., Ozyurek, E., Akca, L., Ayaz, S., Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 19(9), 1889-1893, 2010.
  11. "Phytoplankton composition and environmental conditions of the mucilage event in the Sea of Marmara", Tüfekçi, A., Balkıs, N., Polat Beken, S., Ediger, D., Mantıkçı, M., Turkish Journal of Biology, 2(34), 199-210, 2010.
  12. "Role of single-celled organisms in mucilage formation on the shores of Büyükada Island (the Marmara Sea)", Balkıs, N., Atabay, H., Türedgen, İ., Albayrak, S., Balkıs, H., Tufekçi, V., Journal of the Marine Biological Association-JMBA, 1-11, 2010.
  13. "Biological and oxidative treatment of cotton textile dye-bath effluents by fixed and fluidized bed reactors", Baban, A., Yediler , A., Avaz, G., Hostede, S.S., Bioresource Technology, 101, 1147-1152, 2010.
  14. “Phytoplankton distribution during two contrasted summers in a Mediterranean harbour: combining automated submersible flow cytometry with conventional techniques: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment”, Thyssen, M., Beker, B., Ediger, D., Yilmaz, D., Garcia, N., Denis, M., Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 56,205-215, 2010.
  15. Geri devirli ardışık yüzeyaltı akışlı sistemler ile evsel atıksudan azot giderimi, Fındık, N.,   Akça, L.,   Ayaz, S.,  İTÜ Dergisi/E Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü, 20, 70-75, 2012.
  16. "Mitigation of impacts to achieve ICZM via promising Technologies", Baban, A., Giordano, L., Tolun, L., Wiki Articles, 2011.

Döngüsel Ekonomi ve Kaynak Verimliliği Araştırma Grubu:

  1. “Environmental impact assessment of ceramic tile manufacturing: a case study in Turkey” Atılgan Türkmen, B., Budak Duhbacı, T., Karahan Özbilen, Ş., Clean Techn Environ Policy 23, 1295–1310. 2021.
  2. “Improving the sustainability of ceramic tile production in Turkey” Atılgan Türkmen, B., Karahan Özbilen, Ş., Budak Duhbacı, T., Sustainable Production and Consumption 27, 2193-2207. 2021.
  3. “Waste oil management: Analyses of waste oils from vehicle crankcases and gearboxes” Pelitli, V., Doğan, Ö., Köroğlu, J., Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 3(1), 11-20. 2017
  4. “Endüstriyel Yağların Kullanım Ömrünün Arttırılması ve Atık Azaltımı” Pelitli, V., Recycling Industry, 109, 48-52, 2016
  5. “Deniz Dip Tarama Malzemelerinin Susuzlaştırma Tekniklerinin İncelenmesi” Pelitli, V., Başar, M., Çevre Bilim ve Teknoloji, 1(2), 63-88, 2016
  6. Transformer Oils Potential for PCBs Contamination, Pelitli, V., Dogan, Ö. and Köroğlu, J., International Journal of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Volume 1, Issue 114, 2015.
  7. Hytoremediation potential of Landoltia punctata on petroleum hydrocarbons, Ertekin, Ö., Kösesakal, T.,  Ünlü, V. S., Dağlı, S.,, Pelitli, V., et al., Turkish Journal of Botany, Volume 39, Issue 1, 2015.
  8. Phytoremediation potential of Landoltia punctata on petroleum hydrocarbons, Ertekin, Ö., Kösesakal, T.,  Ünlü, V. S., Dağlı, S.,, Pelitli, V., et al., Turkish Journal of Botany, Volume 39, Issue 1, 2015,
  9. “Characterization of Waste Oils in Air-breathing Jet Turbine Engines”, Pelitli, V., Doğan, Ö., Köroğlu, H.J., Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Article in press, 2014.
  10. Bir organofosfat grubu insektisitin su kaynaklarına etkisinin değerlendirilmesi, Tosun, C., Ataçoğlu, I.,  Türkiye'de Çevre Kirlenmesi Öncelikleri Sempozyumu (ÇEVKOS), İstanbul, 22-23 Kasım 2012.
  11. Otomotiv endüstrisi fosfat çamurlarının geri kazanımı, Doğan, Ö., Karpuzcu, M., 1. Ulusal Geri Kazanım Kongresi ve Sergisi, Uşak Üniversitesi, Uşak, 02-04 Mayıs 2012.
  12. "Atık madeni yağların geri kazanımında baz yağ üretim teknolojileri", Pelitli, V., Doğan, Ö., Başar, H.M., Uyuşur, B., Sigma Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 29(4), 422-434, 2011.
  13. "Aliphatic hydrocarbons fingerprints in Trifolium Spp.", Ertekin, Ö., Erol, Ç., Ünlü, S., Yildizhan, Y., Pelitli, V., Yuksel, B., Menon, A., Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 20(2), 367-371, 2011.
  14. "Büyükbaş hayvan atıklarının kompostlaştırılması", Tosun, C., Binici, M., Mehmetli, E., Baban, A., Manav, N., Coşkun, T, Debik, E., Sigma Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 3, 117-125, 2011.
  15. "Hazardous waste management in Turkey: Current legislative requirements and future challenges", Yiğit, Ç., Maden, G., Disa, N., Yılmaz, Ö., Öğütverici, A., Alp, E., Ünlü, K., Gökçay, C., Dilek, F., Doğan, Ö., Desalination and Water Treatment, 26, 152-159, 2011.
  16. "Büyükbaş hayvan atıklarının anaerobik çürütülmesi", Coşkun, T., Manav, N., Debik, E., Binici, M.S., Tosun, C., Mehmetli, E., Baban, A., Sigma Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 3, 1-9, 2011.
  17. "Recovery of phosphate sludge as concrete supplementary material", Doğan, Ö., Karpuzcu, M., Clean-Soil, Air, Water, 38(10), 977-980, 2010.

Hava Kalitesi ve Çevresel Gürültü Teknolojileri Araştırma Grubu:

  1. “Application of reduction scenarios on traffic-related NOx emissions in Trabzon, Turkey” Tezel-Oguz, M. N., Sari, D., Ozkurt, N., Keskin, S. S., Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11, 2379-2389, 2020.
  2. “Combined NOx and Noise Pollution from Road traffic in Trabzon, Turkey” Tezel, M. N., Sari, D., Ozkurt, N., Keskin, S. S. Science of the Total Environment, 696, 134044, 2019.
  3. “Evaluation of Some Health Impact Indices in Two Airports’ Domain” Tezel, M. N., Sari, D., Erdol, M., Hamamci, S. F., Ozkurt, N., Applied Acoustics, 149, 99-107, 2019.
  4. “Effects of Different Kind of Sources in Noise Exposure: Antalya as a Case Study”, Ozkurt, N., Sari, D., Hamamci, S. F., Tezel, M. N., Erdol, M., Ece, M., Yalcindag, N., Yugruk-Akdag, N., Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 27, 3124-3132, 2018.
  5. “Estimation of airport noise impacts on public health. A case study of İzmir Adnan Menderes Airport”, Ozkurt, N., Hamamci, S.F., Sari, D., Transportation Research Part D 36, 152-159, 2015
  6. "Wind and Thermodynamic Profiler Observations of a Late-Mature Gust Front", Karan H., Journal of Earth System Science, 2013, accepted for publication.
  7. "Removal of Mercury, Antimony, Cadmium and Lead from Aqueous Solution using 1,3,5-Trithiane as an Adsorbent", Ercan Ö., Aydın A., J. Braz. Chem. Soc., Vol. 24, No. 5, 865-872, 2013.
  8. "Evaluation of the Impact of SO2 and NO2 Emissions on the ambient air-quality in the Çan-Bayramiç region of northwest Turkey during 2007-2008", Ozkurt N., Sari D., Akalin N., Hilmioglu B., Science Total Environment, 456–457, 2013.
  9. "Investigation of SO2 results with passive diffusive samplers around 18 Mart Can Thermal Power Plant in Canakkale", Ozkurt, N., Karpuzcu, M., Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 21-1, 3-10, 2012.
  10. "Removal of organic halogens from inorganic chlorides by activated charcoal in air samples", Ercan O., Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 21-3a, 755-760, 2012.
  11. "Spatio-temporal distributions of Nitrogen Dioxide around Can-Bayramic region in Canakkale: a comparative exposure and model study", Özkurt, N., Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 20, 1570-1578, 2011.
  12. "Sulfathiazole-based novel UV-cured hydrogel sorbents for mercury removal from aqueous solutions", Yetimoğlu E. K., Kahraman M. V., Bayramoğlu G., Ercan Ö., Apohan N. K., Radiation Physics and Chemistry (78)92–97, 2009.
  13. "Monitoring of population shifts in an enriched nitrifying system under gradually increased cadmium loading", Mertoglu B., Semerci N., Guler N., Calli B., Cecen F., Saatci A. M., Journal of Hazardous Materials, 160, 495-501, 2008.
  14. "Odor-causing volatile organic compounds in wastewater treatment plant units and sludge management areas", Dincer F., Muezzinoglu A., Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 43(13), 1569–1574, 2008.
  15. "Multivariate Analysis of Metal Contamination in Street Dusts of Istanbul D-100 Highway", Ece K. Yetimoğlu E. K., Ercan Ö., J. Braz. Chem. Soc., Vol. 19, No. 7, 1399-1404, 2008.
  16. "Effects of insufficient air injection on methanogenic Archaea in landfill bioreactor", Mertoglu B., Calli B., Guler N., Inanc B. ve Inoue Y., Journal of Hazardous Materials, 142, 258-265, 2007.
  17. "Odor determination at wastewater collection systems; olfactometry versus H2S analyses", Dincer F., Muezzinoglu A., CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water, 35(6), 565-570, 2007.
  18. “Measuring the levels of noise at the İstanbul Atatürk Airport and comparisons with model simulations”, Sarı D., Özkurt N., Akdağ A., Kütükoğlu M., Gürarslan A., Science of The Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.07. 091.
  19. “Modelling of noise pollution and estimated human exposure around İstanbul Atatürk Airport in Turkey”, Özkurt N., Sarı D., Akdağ A., Kütükoğlu M., Gürarslan A., Science of The Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.08. 017.
  20. "Current Situation and Opportunities of Turkey in Energy Sector Related to Climate Change", Dinçer F., Hilmioğlu B., Ağaçayak T., Özkurt N., Güler N., Tırıs M., Euro-Asian Journal of Sustainable Energy Development Policy, Volume 1, Number 2, 2008.

Kutup Bilimleri ve Kutup Lojistiği Araştırma Grupları:

Makalelere ulaşmak için tıklayınız.

Su Yönetimi ve Arıtım Teknolojileri Araştırma Grubu:

  1. Dilaver, M., Dursun M., Ağtaş, M., , & Koyuncu, İ. (2022), “Brackish water RO concentrate treatment and water recovery using cost lowering integrated technology”. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 10, Issue 5, October 2022, 108463,
  2. Gursoy-Haksevenler, B. H., Atasoy-Aytis, E., Dilaver, M., & Karaaslan, Y. (2022). Treatability of hazardous substances in industrial wastewater: case studies for textile manufacturing and leather production sectors. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194(5), 1-19.
  3. Al-Mutwalli, S., Dilaver, M., Koseoglu-Imer, D. (2022). Effect of Temperature and Module Configuration on Membrane Fouling and End-Product Quality of Acidic Whey using Ceramic Ultrafiltration Membrane. Journal of Membrane Science and Research, 8(2), -. doi: 10.22079/JMSR.2021.521258.1428
  4. Al-Mutwalli, S. A., Dilaver, M., & Koseoglu-Imer, D. Y. (2020). Performance evaluation of ceramic membrane on ultrafiltration and diafiltration modes for efficient recovery of whey protein. Journal of Membrane Science and Research. 6(2), 138-146.
  5. Dursun, M., Dilaver, M., & Kobya, M. (2021). A study of inline chemical coagulation/precipitation-ceramic microfiltration and nanofiltration for reverse osmosis concentrate minimization and reuse in the textile industry, Water Science and Technology.
  6. Ağtaş, M., Dilaver, M., & Koyuncu, İ. (2021). Halloysite Nanoclay Doped Ceramic Membrane Fabrication and Evaluation of Textile Wastewater Treatment Performance, Volume:154 Pages:72-80. Process Safety and Environmental Protection.
  7. Ağtaş, M., Dilaver, M., & Koyuncu, İ. (2021). Ceramic membrane overview and applications in textile industry: a review. Water Science and Technology, 84 (5): 1059–1078.
  8. Ayaz, S., Aytış, E. A., Haksevenler, H. G., Aynur, Ş. K., Dilaver, M., Erdoğan, N., ... & Karaaslan, Y. (2021). An approach for determining the nutrient sensitive areas: a case study for Gediz River Basin, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193(5), 1-20.
  9. Ağtaş, M., Yılmaz, Ö., Dilaver, M. et al. “Pilot-scale ceramic ultrafiltration/nanofiltration membrane system application for caustic recovery and reuse in textile sector”. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021).
  10. Gursoy-Haksevenler, B.H., Atasoy-Aytis, E., Dilaver, M. et al. “A strategy for the implementation of water-quality-based discharge limits for the regulation of hazardous substances''Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020).
  11. Ağtaş, M., Yılmaz, Ö., Dilaver, M., Alp, K., & Koyuncu, I. (2020). “Hot water recovery and reuse in textile sector with pilot scale ceramic ultrafiltration/nanofiltration membrane system”, Journal of Cleaner Production256, 120359.
  12. Dilaver, M., Hocaoğlu, S. M., Soydemir, G., Dursun, M., Keskinler, B., Koyuncu, İ., & Agtas, M. (2017). “Hot wastewater recovery by using ceramic membrane ultrafiltration and its reusability in textile industry”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume: 171, Pages: 220-233, January 2018.
  13. Haksevenler, B. H. G., Aytış, E. A., Dilaver, M., Küçük, E., Pilevneli, T., Yetiş, Ü., Orhon, A. K., & Şıltu, E. “Natural Background Concentrations Determination for Metals in Surface Waters, Gediz River Basin”, Türkiye Su Bilimleri ve Yönetimi Dergisi, 3(1), 2-21.
  14. Gürsoy Haksevenler, B, Atasoy Aytış, E, Dilaver, M. (2019), “Zirai Mücadele İlaçlarının Yerüstü Sularında Tespit Edilmesi, Azaltımı ve Yönetimi, Gediz Havzası Örneği”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 21 (61), 83-96.
  15. Ayaz, S, Dilaver, M. (2021). Determination and assessment of phosphorus assimilation capacity applying Vollenweider approach for Hazar Lake. MANAS Journal of Engineering, Special Issue is dedicated to 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, 72-81.
  16. Ayaz, S. & Dilaver, M. (2021). “Küçük Menderes Nehri Havzasında Alıcı Ortam Bazlı Deşarj Limitlerinin Belirlenebilmesi İçin Nehir Alıcı Ortamında Tespit Edilen Öncelikli Maddeler ve Belirli Kirleticiler Açısından Değerlendirilmesi” . Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi , 23 (69) , 973-994 . Retrieved from DOI:10.21205/deufmd.2021236924
  17. “Treatment-based hospital wastewater characterization and fractionation of pollutants.” Hocaoglu, S.M., Celebi, M.D., Basturk, I., Partal, R.,. J. Water Process Eng. 43, 102205. 2021.
  18. “Multivariate Optimization of Cephalexin, Ciprofloxacin, and Clarithromycin Degradation in Medical Laboratory Wastewater by Ozonation.” Basturk, I., Varank, G,. Murat-Hocaoglu, S., Yazici-Guvenc, S., Can-Guven, E., Oktem-Olgun, E., Canli, O., Ozone: Science & Engineering, 1–15, 2021.
  19. ‘’Simultaneous degradation of cephalexin, ciprofloxacin, and clarithromycin from medical laboratory wastewater by electro-Fenton process.” Basturk, I., Varank, G,. Murat-Hocaoglu, S., Yazici-Guvenc, S., Can-Guven, E., Oktem-Olgun, E., Canli, O., Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 1–12, 2020.
  20. ‘’Medical Laboratory Wastewater Treatment by Electro‐Fenton process: Modeling and Optimization Using Central Composite Design.” Basturk, I., Varank, G.. Murat Hocaoglu, S., Yazici Guvenc, S., Water Environment Research. 1–16, 2020.
  21. “Comparison of Ozonation and Electro-Fenton Processes for Sodium Azide Removal in Medical Laboratory Wastewater by Using Central Composite Design Comparison of Ozonation and Electro-Fenton Processes for Sodium Azide.” Basturk, I., Murat-Hocaoglu, S. Varank, G. Yazici-,Guvenc, S., Separation Science and Technology, 1–16, 2020.
  22. Murat-Hocaoğlu, S., Gürsoy-Haksevenler, B.H,. Baştürk, İ. Ergenekon, Ş. (2019). Zeytinyağı tesislerinde oluşan karasuyun bertaraf alternatiflerinin maliyet açısından karşılaştırılması, J. BAUN Inst. Sci. Technol. 21, 623–637.
  23. “Assessment of technology modification for olive oil sector through mass balance: A case study for Turkey.” Murat-Hocaoglu, S., Haksevenler Gursoy, B.H., Basturk, I., Talazan, P., Aydoner C., Journal of Cleaner Production 188, 786–795, 2018.
  24. “İki Fazlı Zeytinyağı İşletmelerinde Oluşan Pirinanın Özelliklerinin Zeytin Çeşidine Bağlı Olarak Değişimi.” Hocaoglu, S. M., Haksevenler, B. H. G., Baştürk, İ., & Talazan, P., Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(3), 347-360, 2017.
  25. “Türkiye’deki Zeytinyağı İşletmelerinin 3 Fazlıdan 2 Fazlı Üretime Geçişi Durumunda Pirina Tesislerinin Yeterliliğinin CBS Destekli Analizi.” Hocaoglu, S. M., Baştürk, İ., Haksevenler, B. H. G., & Aydöner, C., Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(1), 43-58, 2017.
  26. “Türkiye’deki Zeytinyağı İşletmelerinin Üretim Süreçleri ve Kapasite Kullanımları Açısından Değerlendirilmesi.” Hocaoglu, S. M., Baştürk, İ., Haksevenler, B. H. G., & Aydöner, C., Türk Tarım - Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 5(7), 724-731, 2017.
  27. "B.H. Gursoy-HaksevenlerI. Arslan-Alaton. Evidence of inert fractions in olive mill wastewater by size and structural fractionation before and after thermal acid cracking treatment. Separation and Purification Technology, 154, 176-185, 2015."
  28. “Profiling Olive Oil Mill Wastewater by Resin Fractionation: Effect of Acid Cracking, Coagulation, Electrocoagulation, and Fenton's Reagent”, Gursoy‐Haksevenler, B. H., Arslan‐Alaton, I. CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water, 42(9999), 1–9, 2014.
  29. “Treatment of olive mill wastewater by chemical processes: effect of acid cracking pretreatment”, Gursoy-Haksevenler, B. H., Arslan-Alaton, I. Water Science and Technology, 69(7), 1453-1461, 2014.
  30. “Effect of ferric chloride coagulation, lime precipitation, electrocoagulation and the Fenton's reagent on the particle size distribution of olive mill wastewater”, Gursoy–Haksevenler, B. H., Dogruel, S., Arslan–Alaton, I., International Journal of Global Warming, 6(2), 194-211, 2014.
  31. “Treatment of olive mill wastewater by chemical processes: effect of acid cracking pretreatment”, Gursoy-Haksevenler, B. H., Arslan-Alaton, I., Water Science and Technology, 2014, in pres, 
  32. “Large scale constructed wetland implementation projects in Turkeyin Salt Lake Special Environmental Protection Area” Gunes, K., Oktar, B., Ayaz, S., Gunay, A.S., Ozden, G., Disbudak, K., Senduran, C.,Dikerler, T., Metin, E., Masi, F., Kaya, B., Turkben, L., Tuncsiper, B. Desalination and Water Treatment, 51, 4758–4767, 2013.
  33.  “Modeling biodegradation characteristics of grey water in membrane bioreactor”, Murat-Hocaoğlu, S., Atasoy-Aytiş, E., Baban, A., Orhon, D., Journal of Membrane Science, 429, 139-146, 2013.
  34. Pollution Loads And Surface Water Quality İn The Kizilirmak Basin, Turkey, Ayaz, S. C.; Aktas, O.; Dagli, S.; Aydoner, C.; Aytis, E. Atasoy; Akca, L., Desalınatıon And Water Treatment, 2013.
  35. Effect Of Recirculation On Nitrogen Removal İn A Hybrid Constructed Wetland System, Ayaz, S. C.; Aktas, O.; Findik, N.; Akca, L.; Kinaci, C., Ecologıcal Engıneerıng, 2012.
  36. Pilot-Scale Anaerobic Treatment Of Domestic Wastewater İn Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed And Anaerobic Baffled Reactors At Ambient Temperatures, Ayaz S Ç; Akça L; Aktaş Ö; Fındık N; Öztürk İ, Desalination And Water Treatment, 2012
  37. Phosphorus Removal And Effect Of Adsorbent Type İn A Constructed Wetland System, Ayaz, S.Ç., Aktaş, Ö., Fındık N., Akça, L., Desalination And Water Treatment, 37, 152-159, 2012.
  38. The ability of free water surface constructed wetland system to treat high strength domestic wastewater: A case study for the Mediterranean” Gunes, K., Tuncsiper, B., Ayaz, S., Drizo, A. Ecological Engineering, 44, 278– 284, 2012
  39. Effect of recirculation on organic matter removal in a hybrid constructed wetland system", Ayaz, S., Fındık, N., Akca, L., Erdogan, N., Kınacı, C., Water Science and Technology, 63(10), 2360-2366, 2011.
  40. "Modelling the effect of biomass induced oxygen transfer limitations on the nitrogen removal performance of membrane bioreactor", Insel, G., Murat Hocaoglu, S., Ubay Çokgör, E., Orhon, D., Journal of Membrane Science, 368(1-2), 54-63, 2011.
  41. "Effect of low dissolved oxygen on simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in a membrane bioreactor treating black water", Orhon, D., Ubay Çokgör, E., İnsel, G., Murat Hocaoğlu, S., Bioresource Technology, 102, 4333-4340, 2011.
  42. "The effect of sludge age on simultaneous nitrification denitrification in membrane bioreactor", Murat Hocaoğlu, S., İnsel, G., Ubay Çokgör, E., Orhon, D., Bioresource Technology, 102(12), 6665-6672, 2011.
  43. “Mitigation of impacts to achieve ICZM via promising technologies”, Baban, A.,   Tolun, L.,   Giordano, L., Wıkı Artıcles, 2011.
  44. "Treatability of domestic wastewater by anaerobic baffled reactors with different incolums", Gomec, Y., Horasan, B., Gunes, E., Ozyurek, E., Akca, L., Ayaz, S., Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 19(9), 1889-1893, 2010.
  45. "Integrated water management and CP implementation for wool and blends textile processes", Baban, A., Vediler, A., Cılız, N.K., Clean-Soil Air and Water, 38(1), 84-90, 2010.
  46. "Performance of a compact submerged membrane sequencing batch reactor (SM-SBR) for grey water treatment", Kraume, M., Scheumann, R., Baban, A., El Hamouri, B., Desalination, 250(3), 1011-1013, 2010.
  47. "Fate of soluble residual organics in membrane bioreactor",Orhon, D., Murat Hocaoğlu, S., Journal of Membrane Science, 364(1-2), 65-74, 2010.
  48. "Grey water treatment and reuse by using RBC: A kinetic approach", Baban, A. , Hocaoglu, S.M. , Atasoy, E.A. , Gunes, K. , Ayaz, S. , Regelsberger, M., Desalination and Water Treatment, 23(1-3), 89-94, 2010.
  49. "Fate of proteins and carbohydrates in membrane bioreactor operated at high sludge age", Murat Hocaoğlu, S., Orhon, D., Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 45(9), 1101-1108, 2010.
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Yer Bilimleri Araştırma Grubu:

  1. Karaaslan A., A. Kocaoğlu, S. Özalaybey, Local Scale Phase Velocity Estimation Using Ambient Seismic Noise: Comparision between passive seismic interferometry and frequency-wavenumber methods, Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggab080, 225, 2075-2096, 2021.
  2. T. Doğan, E. İlkmen, F. Kulak, “A new national 1 MV AMS laboratory at TÜBİTAK MRC in Turkey”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 509, 2021, Pages 48-54
  3. Ökeler, A. Application of Iteratively Truncated Singular Value Decomposition to Computation of Teleseismic Receiver Functions. Pure Appl. Geophys. 178, 2953–2967 (2021).
  4. Bouchon, M., H. Karabulut, M. Aktar, S. Özalaybey, J. Schmittbuhl, M.P. Bouin, D. Marsan, The Nucleation of the İzmit and Düzce Earthquakes: Some Mechanical Logic Where and How Ruptures Began, Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggab040, 225, 1510-1517, 2021.
  5. Ediger, V., Cankurtaranlar, A., Akyol, O., 2021. Sea bottom features of eastern İzmit Bay and entrance zone of the North Anatolian Fault in the northeastern Marmara Sea. Journal of the Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, vol. 27, No.1, 78-97
  6. Tarancıoğlu, A., S. Özalaybey, A. Kocaoğlu, Three-Dimensional Seismic Tomographic Imaging Beneth Sea of Marmara: Evidence for Locked and Creeping Sections of the Main Marmara Fault, Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggaa389, 223, 1172-1187, 2020.
  7. E. Büyük, E. Zor ve A.Karaman, Joınt Modelıng Of Rayleıgh Wave Dıspersıon And H/V Spectral Ratıo Usıng Pareto-Based Multıobjectıve Partıcle Swarm Optımızatıon, Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, V. 29, 2020.
  8. P. Marshall, A. Bayliss, S. Farid, C. Tyers, CB. Ramsey, G. Cook, T. Dogan, Freeman, S.P.H.T. Freeman, E. Ilkmen, T. Knowles “C-14 wiggle-matching of short tree-ring sequences from post-medieval buildings in England” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 438, Jan 2019, Pages 218-226.
  9. F. Sevim, E. Zor, C. Açıkgöz & A. Tarancıoğlu, Ambient noise levels and characterization in Aegean region, Turkey, JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, 1383-4649, 22, 2, 499-518, 2018.
  10. Ergin, M., Aktar, M., Lower Crustal Seismic Activity in Adana Basin (Eastern Mediterranean): Possible Connection to Gravitational Flexure. Tectonophysics, Vol.730, 1– 10, (2018).
  11. Peksen E., Sevim F., Analytic Notch Filter Design Using the Hyperbolic Secant Function, Bulletin of the Earth Sciences Application and Research Centre of Hacettepe University, 2016, 37 (3), 271-284.
  12. Ergintav, S., Reilinger, R., Çakmak, R., Floyd, M., Çakır, Z., Dogan, U., King, R., McClusky, S., Ozener H., 2014. Istanbul’s earthquake hot spots: Geodetic constraints on strain accumulation along faults in the Marmara Seismic Gap, Geophysical Research Letters, doi 10.1002/2014GL060985.
  13. Çakır, Z., Ergintav, S., Akoğlu, A. M., Çakmak, R., Tatar, O., Meghraoui, M., 2014. InSAR velocity field across the North Anatolian Fault (eastern Turkey): Implications for the loading and release of interseismic strain accumulation, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, doi 10.1002/2014JB011360
  14. Saatçılar, R., İnan, S., Cankurtaranlar, A., Duygun, F., Demirbağ, E., Ergintav, S.,Yılmaz, M., Toygar, A.R., Kösebalaban, A., Yalçın, M.N., 2014. An environmentally friendly integrated seismic imaging for coal exploration in the Miocene Soma Basin, Western Turkey. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, vol. 7, No.4, pp.399-414


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