Research groups of TUBITAK MRC Environment and Clean Production Institute are related to each other and focus on similar and connected subjects. Waste Management and Soil Pollution Control Strategic Business Unit concentrates generally on developing of waste disposal, recycling and recovery technologies, specifically;
- Design of land filling area and its remediation
- Rehabilitation of dumping sites
- The production of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF), Biogas, Synthetic gas
- Converting of valuable products (Compost, Liquid fuel, Liquid Fertilizer)
- Recycling of valuable metal and minerals
- Waste reduction and MET applications
- The description of disposal methodology and determination of waste incineration procedures
- Determination of environmental quality standards and risk analysis
- The description and categorization of hazardous waste
- Determination of contaminated soil site and its decontamination
These research studies have been performed on these fields mentioned above and project based activities have been conducted.
Waste Management and Soil Pollution Control Strategic Business Unit continues its activities with a group of 15 people, which has 50% PhD, 40% master degree and technicians. Five projects, comprising of about 5 million TL budget, have already been performing annually. Many institutions, such as OSİB, ÇŞB, EÜAŞ, and TKİ, belonging to ministries and several private corporations and foreign research centers through the agency of EU Framework Program participate within cooperation network.