Who We Are?

The Vice Presidency of Climate Change and Sustainability (VPCCS) of TUBITAK Marmara Research Center consists of the following 7 research groups; Air Quality and Environmental Noise Technologies, Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency, Earth Sciences, Marine Research and Technologies, Polar_Logistics, Polar_Sciences, Water Management and Treatment Technologies.

As the Air Quality and Environmental Acoustic Technology Research Group, we carry out research activities on the environmental noise and air quality management, and climate change adaptation, strategies and policies.The research group provides services in acoustic measurements, design and modelling, as well as air pollution measurements and analyses with its acredited laboratories.

Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency Research Group develops strategies that reduce the number of raw resources consumed and protect the ecosystem. We optimize the use of resources and products and reduce waste generation with product/process-based environmental impact analysis. We also develop processes related to the recovery of wastewater and wastes. In addition, we evaluate the current situation of enterprises with cleaner production audits and identify opportunities for improvement.

The Earth Sciences Research Group provides solutions for earthquake risk mitigation, site classification and earthquake hazard assessment studies for urban planning purposes in cities located within the regions with high seismic activity in Türkiye, monitoring aftershock activity after destructive earthquakes, site selection studies for providing necessary geological and geophysical databases before construction of large engineering structures such as nuclear power plants, hydroelectric dams and military facilities. In addition, R/D projects, developed by Earth Science Research Group as solutions for Türkiye’s earth-science related problems, aiming for highest possible public benefit such as application of geophysical underground imaging techniques to archeological, geothermal and coal mining sites. Furthermore, Türkiye’s first and only Accelerator Mass Spectrometery (AMS) Laboratory was also founded as part of the Earth Science Research Group. With its highly qualified and experienced human resources, the AMS laboratory plays a key role in self-sufficiency of Türkiye by conducting precise Carbon-14 analyses using state of the art equipment and techniques for the following purposes; dating cultural heritage, determination of origin of materials, dating historical earthquakes, geographical and environmental studies, biomedical research, forensic science, nuclear sciences, bio-fuel and bio-material researches.

As the Marine Research and Technologies Research Group, our reserach interests include the decrease of biodiversity in our seas, observation of alien/invasive species, fish deaths depending on eutrophication and decrease of oxygen levels in seas, algal blooms, formation of mucilage and how these factors influence the activities such as fishing, tourism and maritime transport. Additionally, our reseach group conducts R&D studies regarding quality monitoring in sea water and sediment, determining the effects of urban wastewater treatment plants of on the seas and proposing solutions. 

As Polar Science and Polar Logistics Research Groups;

We aim to provide support for R&D and scientific research studies that can be conducted in polar regions, to operate Turkey’s polar research camp(s) and station(s), to plan and coordinate logistics, to facilitate communication among relevant organizations, to conduct bilateral international collaborations, to develop and implement the national polar strategy in cooperation with stakeholders, to raise awareness of polar regions at national scale, to materialize national and international scientific diplomacy on polar regions and to increase the competitive power of Turkey in science by representing it in international arena.

As the Water Management and Treatment Technologies Research Group, we conduct research on water resources and watershed management, wastewater treatment and recovery, analysis and treatment of environmental pollutants and analysis and risk assessment of hazardous waste.

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