Marine and Inland Water Laboratory

Marine and Inland Water Labrotary has been serving analysis which are sent outside the organization and also the analysis required for executed projects by the institution. The laboratory is capable of analysing inland (lake/river/etc.) and marine water. Especially on accredited analysis, the laboratory is consistenly succesfull in international comparative tests. The institution has been qualified by ISO 9001 quality certificate in March 2002. Also, in December 2002, it has been qualified by the standart of  International Laboratory Accreditation TS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005.

23 of parameters have been analysing in Marine and Inland Water Laboratories. 9 of them have been accredited by Turkish Accredidation Organization and also own the Environmentaly Qualified Certificate which has been given by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation. Accredited parameters are ortho-phosphate in natural waters, silicate, nitrite+nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus, suspended solids, pH, conductivity, salinity, carbon on sediment and nitrogen determining. Furthermore, 4 methods and fingerprint analysis are within the Environmentaly Qualification Certificate.

Marine and Inland Water Labrotaries Group is consisting of following laborotaries:

  • Inland Water Laborotary
  • Ekotoxicology Laborotary
  • Sediment Laborotary
  • Marine Biology Laborotary
  • Marine Chemistry Laborotary
  • Fingerprint Laborotary
  • High Performance Modeling Laboratory
  • Molecular DNA Barcoding Laborotary

Fingerprint Analysis

Fingerprint analysis is a method which has being used for determining the pollution caused by oil. The source of pollution has been determining with this method by comparing the results of samples of seawater with the results of the vessel.  The analysis has been completed by using of 4 devices. These are : fluorescence spectrophotometer, FT-IR, HPLC and GC-FID. The source of pollution has been become absolute with the results of those devices. Besides, the only institution which owns the Environmentaly Qualification Certificate on fingerprint analysis is TUBITAK MRC.

Seawater Sampling .

The group has a research vessel (41 m long) and a research boat (6 m long) for marine research and sampling. The research vessel owns the necessary hardware and equipment for a marine research. Besides, the capacity of inland water researches has been improved by using the research boat. The boat is also used very frequently in Izmit Bay and in researches in coasts because of its adventage of rapid movement ability.

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