Earth Sciences

Earth Sciences research group was founded as Earth Sciences department within the Research Institute for Fundamental Sciences in 1983. Starting from its establishment, this group focused on enhancing its knowledge and expertise in Earth Sciences, while continuously improving its data collection and data processing capabilities and infrastructures.

The main purpose of the Earth Sciences Research Group is to conduct R/D projects in the fields of Geophysical Imaging, Active Tectonics, and Research Technologies using Isotope Applications, utilizing up-to-date infrastructures and technologies, helping researchers to become well-trained experts, and helping to the sustainable growth of Türkiye by developing fast and feasible solutions for earth-science related problems.  

Project portfolio of the Earth Sciences Research Group includes earthquake risk mitigation, site classification and earthquake hazard assessment studies for urban planning purposes in cities located within the regions with high seismic activity in Türkiye, monitoring aftershock activity after destructive earthquakes, site selection studies for providing necessary geological and geophysical databases before construction of large engineering structures such as nuclear power plants, hydroelectric dams and military facilities. In addition, R/D projects, which are developed as solutions for Türkiye’s earth-science related problems, aiming for highest possible public benefit such as application of geophysical underground imaging techniques to archeological, geothermal and coal mining sites, are also part of the scientific interest of the Earth Science Research Group. Furthermore, Türkiye’s first and only Accelerator Mass Spectrometery (AMS) Laboratory was also founded as part of the Earth Science Research Group. With its highly qualified and experienced human resources, the AMS laboratory plays a key role in self-sufficiency of Türkiye by conducting precise Carbon-14 analyses using state of the art equipment and techniques for the following purposes; dating cultural heritage, determination of origin of materials, dating historical earthquakes, geographical and environmental studies, biomedical research, forensic science, nuclear sciences, bio-fuel and bio-material researches.

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