The 3rd Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Symposium

Coastal areas have been faced with degradation risks due to the increasing anthropogenic pressures.  Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) approach has been recommended by European Union (EU) in order to manage the coastal areas in a sustainable way.  The third ICZM Symposium was organized on 14-17 October 2014 in Antalya with satisfactory participation of experts from all over the world with different disciplines.

The symposium has enabled us to share our efforts on ICZM from local to global scale. The particular themes and topics based on the questions concerning ICZM progress, such as;

  1. Understanding the impacts on ecosystem health ( observed changes which  include impacts to habitats, to functioning, etc),
  2. Environmental Impacts: Confronting local and global pressures (such as anthropogenic pressures and climate change related impacts on coastal systems),
  3. Emerging methodologies and progress towards assessing sustainable development (such as EU directives, science/policy integration etc),
  4. Managing our coasts: The science-policy-governance interface.

Dr. Leyla Gamze Tolun


On behalf of the organizing committee

MRC Environment & Cleaner Production Institute

For more information please visit the symposium website;



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