Training of Dioxin Analysis with LCTECH Automated Sample Preparation System

TÜBİTAK MAM Environment and Cleaner Production Institute has been provided the participation to "Training of Dioxin Analysis with LCTECH Automated Sample Preparation System"

Dioxins (PCDDs) are known as chlorinated organic impurities. Mostly, they are exposed by the combustion of industrial wastes. Dioxins, even at ppt (ng / L) levels, are considered to be important carcinogenic substances that threaten human and living health. These toxic substances poses a serious danger by infecting the soil, feed, food structures and so on. For this reason, they need to be analyzed quickly and effectively. In this scope, TÜBİTAK MAM Environment and Cleaner Production Institute has been provided the participation with Dr. Oltan CANLI and Dr. Barış GÜZEL to "Training of Dioxin Analysis with LCTECH Automated Sample Preparation System" on April 12, 2017 by SEM Laboratory Equipment Inc. in National Food Reference Laboratory Directorate/ANKARA.

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